The Tirana Circus

  • Tirana Circus was founded in 1952 by a group of well-known Albanian artists: Telat Agolli, Bajram Kurti, Xhuzepina Prendi (Shkurti), Bardhyl Jareci and Abdyl Karakashi.. The circus had its most successful years during the communist era, after which it had difficulties when its personnel was reduced.

    A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project financed some of its activities and since 2010 Tirana Circus has increased its activities and performances.

    The circus has been placed under the administration of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. The circus has been known to include famous Albanian athletes among its stars. It gives weekly performances, on Sundays, and is still popular despite its difficulties.

    Cirku Kombëtar



    Saturday 11:00 – Sunday 12:00

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