
  • Cineplexx is a cinema company based in Austria. The company was founded in 1993, and operates mainly multiplex type cinemas. Operating mainly in Austria, where it has 27 cinemas, the company started regional expansion into Southeast Europe in late 2000s.

    Cineplexx in Tirana are modern cinemas, with modern systems enables extremely high quality sound and image as well as 3D technology. The cinema has 7 rooms; the biggest room has 314 comfy seats with spacious leg-room.

    This is a very modern cinema, with VIP seats for a better comfort, love seats for couples. Here you will find the latest movies of all genres, including children’s movies.

    1001 Tirana Autostrada Tiranë-Elbasan, Km 4, Lundër


    e Hënë – e Premte, ora 14:30 – 20:30

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