Galeria Multimedia
#TiranaAutumn2022 photo contest
#TiranaAutumn2022, the 25th seasonal social media photo contest is open. Participants can post photos from autumn in Tirana. The contest will run from 1 September 2022 to 30 November 2022.
The best photos will win the chance to be exhibited in Tirana Photo Festival in 2023.
Are you a business operating in Tirana?
This is a good chance for you to promote your business through our social media contest. We have a comunity of +50K people in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your product or services will be promoted during the three months of the competition with direct link to your profile. You can be part of sponsorship program through offering a free service/product/package to on of the winners or pay a small amount varying from 300-500 Euro in exhange of the visibility.
Interested? Drop us a line at contact@visit-tirana.com

Previous photo contests by Visit Tirana:
- #TiranaAutumn2016-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSpring2017-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSummer2017-Photo Contest
- #TiranaAutumn2017-Photo Contest
- #TiranaWinter2018-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSpring2018-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSummer2018-Photo Contest
- #TiranaAutumn2018-Photo Contest
- #TiranaWinter2019-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSpring2019-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSpring2019-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSummer2019-Photo Contest
- #TiranaAutumn2019-Photo Contest
- #TiranaWinter2020-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSpring2020-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSummer2020-Photo Contest
- #TiranaAutumn2020-Photo Contest
- #TiranaWinter2021-Photo Contest
- #TiranaSpring2021-Photo Contest
Terms and Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions apply to the all photo contests, organized by the Visit Tirana
This contest involves the submission of photographs that illustrate the significance of the best part of each season in Tirana, accompanied by a short description explaining what this photo means for the photographer. The contest is free of charge. Participation rules
- Any individual from any country can take part.
- Firstly, you have to follow visit_tirana on Instagram. Your profile should be public and you have to tag and mention in the photo you want to submit.
- The Entries are intended to present photos from all around the city. This can include sites, monuments, objects, nature, building, traditions etc. The Team reserves the right to exclude Entries that have obscene, violent, sexually explicit, sexist or racist content, or which violate any fundamental rights. The Entries must also not invade the rights of privacy of any person, living or deceased.
- There are no limits on the number of Entries that each Entrant can submit. The photo can be prepared using a mobile phone or camera or any other device. Any expenses incurred during submission are to be borne by the Participant.
- There is no registration. Entry is determined by the posting of the photo with accompanying story to either Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, and tagging it with #TiranaSpring, #TiranaSummer, #TiranaAutumn #TiranaWinter hashtag. To be eligible, entries MUST be set as ‘Public’ so that they are visible to Visit Tirana team.
- Entries must be submitted to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, before the deadline. Entries published after the established deadline shall not be considered. The Visit Tirana team shall not bear any responsibility for late or lost Entries due to network failure or any other reason.
- Photos must have been taken only during the season announced. Photos can be colour-corrected or have filters applied, but should not be digitally manipulated in terms of content and context.
- By submitting their Entries via Instagram and Facebook and using the VisitTirana announced hashtag, the Entrants accept that these Entries may be used by the Team of Visit Tirana. The Entrants will retain the right to use their images for whatever purpose they wish, and be attributed for any usage by Visit Tirana team.
- The team will not be responsible for any claims or complaints against infringement of rights or damages from third parties relating to the Entries, and the Entrant agrees to indemnify Visit Tirana team harmless in such cases.
- The winner will be selected based on votes received in Visit Tirana channels, after they are shared, reposted and retweeted. The number of votes will be counted only in the first phase. Visit Tirana reserve the rights to see other components among top voted photos, such as: the content, the activity promoted, the creativity etc. The team’s decision will be final. Any attempt by an Entrant to influence the result or subvert the contest will lead to immediate disqualification.
- If a winner is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, the Team reserves the right to select the next best Entry.
- The Team reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest or any of the arrangements, schedules, plans or other items directly or indirectly related to the contest, at any time and for any reason.
- Winners will be entirely responsible for any taxes or charges related to the receipt of any prize.