Practical Information
Tourist information centre
The official tourist information centre stands just behind the National History Museum. As well as housing an ever-increasing stock of printed materials on what to see and do in Tirana, this is also a good place to come for books and leaflets on Albania’s other major tourism attractions.
If you need more information about Tirana, you can write to tourism@tirana.al, tourism office of Tirana Municipality.
Learn some Albanian
Some basic phrases in Albanian and their comparable English pronunciations:
Miredita = meer-detae = Good Day
Mirmengjes = meer – men – jazz = Good Morning
Faleminderit = fall – ae – minter – it = Thank you
Si jeni ? = See – ye – ne ? = How are you?
Mire = Me – rae = Good
Po = Po = Yes
Jo = Yo = No
Useful numbers in Albania /Numra emergjence në Shqipëri
Airport Tel. +355 4 2381 600
Lost Luggage Tel. +355 4 2381 681
Police Information Tel. 122
Police Emergency Tel. 129
Traffic Police Tel. 126
Fire Department Tel. 128
Emergency Room Tel. +355 4 2222 235
24 hour Pharmacy Tel. +355 4 2222 241
Albania Public Holidays
Jan 01-New Year’s Day
Mar 14- Summer Day
Mar 21-Newruz
April – Easter (Catholic and Orthodox). It depends on the Calendar each year
May 1 – Labor’s Day
Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)
Sep 19- Saint Teresa Canonization Day
Nov 28- Independence Day
Nov 29 Liberation Day
Dec 08-Albanian National Youth Day
Dec 25- Christmas Day
Embassies in Tirana
If you need to contact the authorities of your home country, here is the link of foreign embassies and consulates in Tirana.
Post offices
If you want to send a postcard from Tirana to your loved ones, here are a couple of post offices in the center of Tirana.
- Elbasanit
- Çamëria
- Wilson Square (Post Office No: 8)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/posta.shqiptare1/
Web: http://www.postashqiptare.al/
Email: asistence@postashqiptare.al
opening hours
Monday – Wednesday: 8:00am/4:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am/5:00pm
Friday: 9:00 am/20:00 pm
Saturday-Sunday closed
Time zone
Tirana follows Central European Time (CET), an hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and six hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST). From the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, the country follows Daylight Saving, meaning that the clocks are turned one hour forward. Albanians write using the 24-hour clock, and write the day before the month, for example 11pm on 12 September 2016 will be written 23:00 on 12.09.2016.